Change desktop wallpaper Windows 98

This guide will show you how to change the desktop wallpaper in Windows 98.

If you want to personalise your PC, a good place to start is the desktop, as well as changing the colour of the desktop you can use an image for your desktop wallpaper.

In this tutorial we are assuming that you already have an image ready and waiting, common formats to use include Bitmaps, JPEGs or GIFs.

First right click your desktop and a menu will appear, click on Properties.

Next you will see the Display Properties dialogue. To navigate to the image we are going to use we need to click the browse button.

Now the Open File dialogue box appears, navigate to the folder where your image is stored, select the image and then click Open

At this stage you should see your image in the preview window, you now have a couple of display options:

* Center, will not resize the image but simply centre it in the middle of the desktop.
* Tile, this will fill the desktop with copies of your image.
* Stretch, this will stretch the image to fit the whole desktop.

When you have selected which display option you would like, simply click on Apply to see your changes. When done click Ok.